
CEchoes is an open-to-all online Customer Experience platform that brings all businesses/institutes/establishments and consumers/citizens together to foster trust and inspire collaboration. We're open to everybody. Trust is a cornerstone of our platform — that means providing radical transparency and openness, filtered through an important lens of verification.

When we talk about “our platform” we mean our review platform hosted at, any sub-domain, sub-directory, similar platform, website or mobile app operated by us and provided to you.

Before using our platform, we ask that you read these terms of use (which we will refer to as the “terms” going forward) so that you understand what we expect from you - and also what you can expect from us. These terms refer to the following policies, guidelines and rules, which also apply to your use of our platform:

  • Our Privacy Policy, which explains what data we collect when you use our platform and how this is handled (see section 12 below for further information)
  • Our Guidelines for Reviewers, which outline how you should (and shouldn’t) use our platform (see section 5 below for further information)

Whether you are using CEchoes to simply browse and search for businesses/institutes/establishments or reviews, or whether you want to submit a review yourself, then you’ll need to accept these terms so it’s clear what your legal rights and obligations are. Your access to, and use of, our platform is, at all times, conditional on you agreeing to these terms. If at any time you do not agree, or cannot comply, with these terms, you must not access or use our platform. To be clear, your use of our platform in any way, will be governed by these terms.

You agree to these terms by doing one or more of the following:

(a) Browsing, accessing, searching, writing a review, or otherwise using our platform; or

(b) clicking a box or button, or providing any other kind of positive affirmation that you agree to these terms.

Please note that words or expressions defined in “quotation marks” have the same meaning each time they are used in these terms.

Joining and using CEchoes

We explain below how to access and use our platform.

1. You and CEchoes: When we say “you” or “your”, we mean the person browsing, accessing, searching, writing a review, or otherwise using our platform. When we say “CEchoes”, “we”, “our” or “us”, we mean the CEchoes entity that you contract with under these terms, which depends on where in the world you are accessing our platform from. See Our contracting entities and governing law section (section 26) of these terms for further information on which CEchoes entity you are contracting with.

2. Third-party products and services: We may use, present to you and/or link to third-party technology, products and/or services on our platform. We do not endorse or make any guarantee or promise, and do not assume any responsibility for any such third-party technology, products and/or services. Please note that we can’t guarantee that our platform will be compatible with your browser, network, or computer/mobile/smart device set-up.

3. User account: In order to leave a review, comment on, like or flag a review and/or take any other action on our platform, you must first create a user account or log in to your existing account on this platform. You are only permitted to create one user account. Your user account is personal to you and must not be transferred to anyone else. 

In order to create a user account you will need to sign in to the platform using either your Facebook or Google account, or alternatively using your email address and your password. Sometimes your account will be automatically created and pre-filled with your name. For example, if you click on a review invitation after purchasing a product or using a service, or when signing up via Facebook.

You can choose a username that will be displayed on the platform whenever you write a review, comment on a review or produce user generated content including any review, image or other content created by or originating from you on the platform (“user generated content”). Your username allows you to be identified by others. Remember that if you use your real name as your username, this could reveal your identity. Your username must not contain:

  • anything harmful, hateful, discriminatory, defamatory, obscene or illegal;
  • the terms “Guest”, “Admin”, “.dk” or “.com” etc.; and
  • characteristics belonging to someone else or a third party, such as the name of someone other than you.

You can also choose to hide your name/username when you are writing a review. You take full responsibility for controlling who accesses and uses your user account. For example:

  • You should not allow any other person to access or use your user account and you should not share your login details, including your email address and password/verification code, with anyone else. If you suspect any of your user account login details have been stolen or misused then let us know immediately by contacting us.
  • You promise that you’ll keep all information connected with your user account (including your email address) up to date and complete. If you would like to change your username, then you can do this yourself by logging into your user account.
  • You’re responsible for all activity connected with your user account, including any reviews, all comments and any user generated content.
  • You may also choose to verify your identity by following the quick and easy steps on our platform. During the verification process, you’ll be asked to select a photo ID, take a picture of your chosen ID and take a selfie. Your information is handled safely and securely, as explained in our Privacy Policy

4. Your key responsibilities: You must comply with the following requirements when using our platform: 

  • You agree to use our platform only in line with these terms, our Guidelines for Reviewers and our policies.
  • You must be over the age of 18 years old.
  • You must not undermine the security or integrity of our platform.
  • You must not use our platform in any way that might impair its functionality or interfere with other people’s use.
  • You must not introduce or upload anything to our platform that includes a virus or other malicious code.
  • You must not write, submit or be involved in the procurement of fake reviews. By fake reviews, we mean reviews that don’t reflect a genuine service or buying experience with a business, or reviews that have been left in an attempt to manipulate consumer perception, or negatively target a particular business.
  • You must not do anything that might be misleading, offensive, violates any law, infringes on the rights of others or does not comply with our Guidelines for Reviewers and our policies.
  • You must not modify, copy, adapt, reproduce, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer or extract the source code of any part of our platform.
  • You must not act in a manner that is abusive or disrespectful to a CEchoes employee, partner, customer, or other users of the platform. We will not tolerate any abuse or bullying of our CEchoes employees in any situation and that includes interaction with our support teams.
  • You must not write reviews which are of a marketing nature and/or use our platform for marketing purposes, including in relation to yourself, or any services, products and/or businesses.You must not use our platform for the purposes of developing or providing any service or functionality which competes with our platform. 

5. Our Guidelines for Reviewers and policies: When accessing or using our platform, you must respect and follow our Guidelines for Reviewers and our policies. We can update and make changes to our Guidelines for Reviewers and our policies at any time without notice to you and any changes that we do make will immediately apply to you without any further positive acceptance, confirmation or action by you.

6. What CEchoes owns: We own everything on our platform except content owned by others, like the reviews on our platform (see section 7 below). Our ownership includes all rights in the design, compilation, and look and feel of our platform, including any logos, graphics and trademarks (“our brand”). You agree not to copy, distribute, modify or otherwise use any of our platform content or our brand in any way not expressly permitted by us. This means you are not allowed to use our brand or any other content on our platform, including Scores and reviews submitted by other users, unless we specifically say you are authorised to use them.

7. What you own: You own, and are responsible for, any user generated content you submit to, or transmit through, our platform. You also promise that you have all the necessary permissions to create and/or use such user generated content. Unless your user generated content is removed by us for violating our Guidelines for Reviewers, or removed by you, your user generated content will remain publicly displayed on our platform and any third-party services and networks (like Google, Meta, etc) indefinitely.

8. CEchoes’s right to use your user generated content: By creating, submitting, posting or displaying user generated content on our platform, you grant us a licence to use, modify, publish and display such user generated content anywhere in the world, in any way, without any restriction and without any payment to you. You also agree that this licence allows us to make your user generated content available to other companies or individuals, including our customers, for any purpose such as the syndication, distribution, promotion or publication of such user generated content. You also grant us a right of action to bring an action for copyright infringement against anyone who uses your user generated content without first receiving permission from you and/or CEchoes. This includes, where applicable, a right under appropriate copyright acts in the relevant country.

9. Feedback: We appreciate any feedback, ideas and suggestions from you about our platform (“feedback”) and may use it forever without restriction or payment to you. To be clear, this means that if you provide any written content or feedback to us, we can use, quote and/or refer to that content or feedback at our discretion.

10. Problem and Support: If you have a problem, we have support articles available through our Help Center and FAQs that should help you with most situations. If you’ve tried our Help Center and still need help, you can find more information about online support for our platform from our support team by visiting Contact Us.

11. Impartiality: We allow you to use our platform to share, browse, hear and learn about the businesses featured through our role as an online intermediary. When using our platform you must only provide authentic and unbiased reviews, and user generated content which complies with our Guidelines for Reviewers at all times.

Privacy and Data use

We explain below what data we collect when you use our platform and how this is handled.

12. Personal data: The personal data we collect about you in connection with your use of our platform will be handled by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Confidential information

We take reasonable precautions to protect your confidential information and expect that you’ll do the same for ours.

13. Keeping it confidential: While using our platform, you may share confidential information with us, and you may become aware of confidential information about us. You and we both agree to take reasonable steps to protect each other’s confidential information from being accessed by unauthorised individuals, entities or other third-parties, except to the extent we share this with our affiliates (that is, any companies that we are connected to (“affiliates”)) and/or you provide feedback which shall not constitute confidential information.

Termination and suspension

We explain below when your access to our platform can be terminated or suspended.

14. Our rights: We may terminate or suspend your access to your user account immediately or filter user generated content if you breach or threaten to breach any of these terms, our Guidelines for Reviewers and/or our policies.

15. Your rights: You may choose to delete your personal user account at any time, and in doing so you will no longer be able to leave reviews on our platform and all of your reviews will be deleted on our platform. If you have an Organization profile, you may request for downgrading of the membership profile to an unverified account. However, all reviews received by the organization will continue to be available.

Disclaimer and Liability

These sections are important as they outline responsibility and liability between us and you, so we urge you to read them closely and in full.




This section outlines how disputes may be resolved.

18. Dispute Resolution: Most of your concerns can be resolved quickly and to everyone’s satisfaction by contacting us via the Contact Us page. If we’re not able to resolve the issue, you and we agree to bring claims only in the jurisdiction listed in Our contracting entities and governing law section (section 26) of these terms.

Important housekeeping

Please take a look over these additional terms.

19. Changes to these terms: We can make changes to these terms at any time without notice to you. It is up to you to ensure that you regularly check, read, understand and agree to the most recent version of these terms, as any changes to these terms will immediately apply to you without any further positive acceptance, confirmation or action by you.

20. Changes to our platform: We may update and change the whole or part of our platform at any time without notice to you. We may also suspend, withdraw or restrict the availability of all or part of our platform for business or operational reasons.

21. Events outside our control: We do our best to control what we can. We aren’t liable to you for any failure or delay in performance of any of our obligations under these terms arising out of any event or circumstance beyond our reasonable control.

22. How to contact us: If you want to speak to us, please contact our support team by visiting Contact Us page.

23. Language: We may provide certain materials to you in another language but all other communications and notices made under these terms must be in English. If we provide a translation of these terms, it is for your convenience only and the English language version will take precedence. We will have no responsibility or liability in respect of the content or accuracy of any translated versions of these terms.

24. Enforcement of terms: If there’s any part of these terms that either you or we are legally unable to enforce, that part will be ignored but everything else will remain enforceable.

25. Interpretation: Words like ‘include’, ‘like’, and ‘for example’ are not words of limitation and where anything is within our discretion, we mean our sole discretion.

26. Our contracting entities and governing law: These terms and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them, their subject matter or their formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and jurisdiction of the BoloGrahak entity that you are contracting with in the table below.


CEchoes Entity and Address

Governing Law


If you are located anywhere in the United States, then the CEchoes entity you’re contracting with, and the Governing Law and Jurisdiction which applies to your contract with CEchoes will be:

Customer Echoes, Inc.


Address: 1207 Delaware Avenue #3343, Wilmington, Delaware, 19806

United States

The Delaware Court of Chancery

27. The publisher and operator of our platform:
Our platform is published and operated by Customer Echoes, Inc. - 1207 Delaware Avanue #3343, Wilmington, Delaware, 19806.